Recycling: The First Port of Call
Melissa Radiwon, RRS
[email protected]
Melissa Radiwon, RRS
[email protected]
Michigan Recycling Coalition members will elect 8 new board members to represent their interests on the Board of Directors leading up to and at the Annual Conference on May 15th. Current MRC members in good standing received their ballots electronically on April 15th. If you are a member and haven't received your ballot, please check your junk email first and contact the MRC office at (517) 974-3672 to resolve the issue. If you'd like to vote and aren't a member, please consider joining the Coalition. Learn more about membership here.
Business Category - 3 seats open
As published in the Detroit News, November 25, 2018
By Kerrin O'Brien, Executive Director
Michigan Recycling Coalition
Tom Zimnicki, agriculture policy director, Michigan Environmental Council
Kerrin O'Brien, executive director, Michigan Recycling Coalition
As summer heats up, so too does the calculable media coverage, vivid images and conversation about algal blooms in western Lake Erie. With NOAA's early 2018 projections mimicking the 2017 algal bloom, this year is sure to be filled with much finger-pointing and few real solutions. Last year, I wrote an op-ed calling on the state to embrace common sense standards for agricultural producers and take concrete steps toward curbing nutrient runoff. With minimal change in messaging and action from the state, this year I am calling on state agencies, the legislature, and stakeholders in the agricultural and urban sectors to embrace a new priority: improving soil health.
March 6, 2018
It's important to note that when Michigan professionals talk about "recycling," we're generally talking about the entire spectrum of waste diversion and recovery efforts that includes recycling, reuse, composting, anaerobic digestion, and product stewardship, among other things. As you see in the diagram (Material Recycled by Category in 2013), 56% of the state's current recycling rate is the result of progressive policies that divert materials from landfills and provide for collection of those materials. This happens in different ways; we ban materials such as the case with organics (Yard Waste Ban), we place an upfront value on materials such as in container deposits (MI Deposit Law), or by ensuring the availability of free and convenient collection as in take-back program materials (E-Waste Takeback). But typical recyclables collected at the curb and at drop-off sites actually account for less than half of Michigan's current estimated 15% recycling rate.
January 6, 2017 517 974-3672
The State of the MRC
On October 1st, the MRC entered its 35th fiscal year, and its most ambitious year yet. With a more concise and inclusive mission and aggressive goals, the MRC is heading into 2017 with purpose and conviction. The MRC faces its greatest opportunity and challenge as it begins the important work of leading the effort to move proactive recycling policy and funding through the legislature before the end of Governor Snyder's final term in office. Read the full report!
Over the long weekend of July 21st-24th, the Michigan Recycling Coalition, with the generous financial help of the Steve Chalker Memorial Fund (SCMF), helped bring the message of Recycle, MI to SummerFest in Indian River for the second year. SCMF Volunteers placed and serviced about 25 bins along the streets of downtown Indian River, Devoe Beach, and Marina Park. This year's efforts over the 4 days of the festival produced 168 pounds of recyclables - three times the amount collected at last year's SummerFest!
The hard work of volunteers and the generous support of SCMF donors and volunteers and SummerFest sponsors are what made this SummerFest recycling effort such a success. Recycling was expanded this year to collect plastics #1-6, cardboard, and aluminum cans. The MRC staffed an educational booth where local recycling information was provided along with an educational game called "Bin it to Win it." Booth educational tools were donated by Schupan Recycling. Booth game prizes were donated by Brasswind Landing, Big Bear Adventures, and Dairy Mart.
Jenny comes to the MRC from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she is majoring in Sustainable Business (just like Katie!) and minoring in Women's Studies.